Forerunner: precursor, augury, omen, harbinger or a person that precedes the coming of someone.

That someone is here.

She speaks through dance, visuals and film.

Forerunner: a multimedia dance/film choreographed by Esaias Johnson, exploring the intersection of radical hope in this season of darkness.

The film will feature  a selection of her over 1500 sketches from the “Courage and Resistance Project: a daily drawing of Black power” a daily spiritual practice of sketching Black civil rights activists, heros, truthseekers and freedom fighters. .

Henrietta Still was Esaias Johnson’s grandmother, her great grandfather William Still, known as the “Father of the Underground Railroad” helped thousands of slaves to freedom. Esaias stands on the shoulders of those who went before her.

She is not alone and neither are you.

Black Lives Matter.

Courage and Resistance Project: A daily drawing of Black power.

Frederick Douglass
Barack Obama
Marsha P. Johnson
Nina Simone
George Floyd